学 位:博士
2002.9-2011.10 武汉大学副教授。
2011.11- 武汉大学教授。
2004- 本科生免疫学
2004- 研究生肿瘤分子生物学
2009- 2010本科生病毒学
1. 抗病毒、抗肿瘤药物筛选。
活性蛋白作为抗肿瘤候选药物的研究(2008.12-2010.12,NO. 2009ZX09103-676)
药用真菌抗肿瘤蛋白作为抗肿瘤药物、抗肿瘤药物设计前体的开发研究(2006.12-2008.12, NO.2006AA02Z135)
主持国家自然科学基金3 项:
2. 药用真菌(杨树菇,A. aegerita)galectin-1 对大鼠的雄性生殖毒性
3. 半乳糖凝集素AAL在担子菌杨树菇(Agrocybe aegerita)子实体形成过程中的作用
1. 一种真菌半乳糖凝集素蛋白活性的多肽、其编码序列及制备方法和应用
2. 一种真菌
3. 一种真菌泛素交联酶活性的多肽、其编码序列及制备方法和应用
1.Yin YL, Yu GJ, Chen YJ, Jiang Sh, Wang M, Jin YX, Lan XQ, Liang Y, Sun H*, Genome-wide transcriptome and proteome analysis on different developmental stages of Cordyceps militaris, 2013, PLOS ONE, in press
2.Wang M, Gu B, Huang J, Chen Y, Jiang Sh, Yin Y, PanY, Yu G, Li Y, Barry Hon Cheung Wong, Liang Y,Sun H*,Integration of Transcriptome and Proteome Analyses in Two Development Stages of Agrocybe aegerita, 2013, PLOS ONE, in press
3.Yu GJ, Wang M, Huang J, Yin Y, Chen Y, Jiang Sh, Jin, Lan X, Liang Y, Sun Hui*, Deep insight into the Ganoderma lucidum by comprehensive analysis of its transcriptome, PLoS One. 2012; 7(8):e44031.
4.Jiang SH, Chen YJ, Wang M, Yin YL, Pan YF, Gu BL, Yu GJ, Li YM, Barry Hon Cheung Wong, Liang Y,Sun H*, A Novel lectin from Agrocybe aegerita with high binding selectivity toward terminal N-acetylglucosamine. Biochemical Journal, 2012, Apr 15;443(2):369-78
5.Chen Y, Jiang S, Jin Y, Yin Y, Yu G, Lan X, Cui M, Liang Y, Wong BH, Guo L, Sun H*. Purification and characterization of an antitumor protein with deoxyribonuclease activity from edible mushroom Agrocybe aegerita. Mol Nutr Food Res. 2012 Nov;56(11):1729-38.
6.Liang Y, Chen YJ, Liu HH, Luan R, Che T, Jiang Sh, Xie DY, Sun Hui*, The tumor rejection effect of protein components from medicinal fungus, Biomedicine & Preventive Nutrition, 2011,245-254.
7.Luan R, Liang Y, Chen YJ, Liu HH, Jiang Sh, Che T, Barry Wong, Sun H*, Opposing developmental functions of Agrocybe aegerita galectin (AAL) during mycelia differentiation, Fungal Biology (mycological research), 2010, 114, 8: 599-608.
8.Feng L, Sun H, Zhang Y, Li D F, Wang D C,Structural insights into the recognition mechanism between an antitumor galectin AAL and the Thomsen-Friedenrich antigen, FASEB J. 2010; 24: 3861-3868
9.Liang Y, Lin JC, Wang K, Chen YJ, Liu HH, Luan R, Jiang S, Che T, Zhao Y, Li DF, Wang DC, Guo L, Sun H*. A nuclear ligand MRG15 involved in the proapoptotic activity of medicinal fungal galectin AAL (Agrocybe aegerita lectin). Biochim Biophys Acta. 2010; 1800(4): 474-480
10.Xue Y, Zhou Y, Wu T, Zhu T, Ji X, Kwon YS, Zhang C, Yeo G, Black DL,Sun H, Fu XD, Zhang Y. Genome-wide analysis of PTB-RNA interactions reveals a strategy used by the general splicing repressor to modulate exon inclusion or skipping. Mol Cell. 2009 Dec 25;36(6):996-1006
11.Liang Y, Feng L, Tong X, Wang K, Li de F, Lin JC, Tang ZJ, Liu HH, Jiang S, Guo L, Wang D C*, Sun H*. Importance of nuclear localization for the apoptosis-induced activity of a fungal galectin AAL (Agrocybe aegerita lectin),BBRC.2009. 386(3):437-42
12.Yang N, Li DF, Feng L, Xiang Y, Liu W,Sun H*, Wang DC*,Structural basis for the tumor cell apoptosis-inducing activity of an antitumor lectin from the edible mushroom Agrocybe aegerita.J Mol Biol. 2009 Apr 3;387(3):694-705.
13.Yang N, Liang Y, Xiang Y, Sun H*, Wang DC*, Crystallization and preliminary crystallographic studies of an antitumour lectin from the edible mushroom Agrocybe aegerita. Protein and Peptide Letters. 2005, 12(7):705-7.(Equal corresponding author)
14.Yang N, Tong X, Xiang Y, Sun H*, Wang DC*, Molecular character of an antitumour lectin from the edible mushroom Agrocybe aegerita. The Journal of Biochemistry. 2005 (138), 145-150.(Equal corresponding author)
15.Yang N, Tong X, Zhang Y, Sun H*, Wang DC*, Crystallization and preliminary crystallographic studies of the recombinant antitumour lectin from the edible mushroom Agrocybe aegerita. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta: Proteins and Proteomics. 2005, 209-212(Equal corresponding author)
16.Zhao Chen Guang*, Sun Hui*, Xin Tong, Qi Yi Peng, An antitumor lectin from edible mushroom Agrocybe aegerita, Biochemical Journal, 2003 (374): 321-327 (Equal first author)
17.Sun Hui, Zhao Chen Guang, Xin Tong, Qi Yi Peng, A Lectin with Mycelia Differentiation and Antiphytovirus Activities from the Edible Mushroom Agrocybe aegerita. Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2003,36(2):214- 222