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Xu Xing, Norell MA, Wang XL, Makovicky PJ, Wu XC. A basal troodontid from the Early Cretaceous of China[J]. Nature 415(2002): 780-784.
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Xu Xing. Horned dinosaurs venture abroad[J]. Nature 465(2010): 431-432.
Xu Xing. A palaeontologist considers the evolution of birds’ mechanism of breathing[J]. Nature 464(2010): 961.
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Xu Xing, New feathered dinosaurs from the Early Cretaceous Yixian Formation of Liaoning, China. October, 1999. 59th annual meeting, Society of Vertebrate Paleontology. Denver, USA.
Xu Xing, New feathered dinosaurs from China with implications for feather origins. April, 2000. Florida Symposium on Dinosaurs Bird Evolution. Lauderdale, USA.(特邀报告)
Xu Xing, Feathered dinosaurs from China. June, 2000. 5th international symposium of avian Paleontology, Beijing.(特邀报告)
Xu Xing, Troodontid-like pes in a basal dromaeosaur. August 2000. 2000 International dinosaur symposium for the Kosong County’s dinosaurs in Korea. Kosong, Korea(特邀报告)
Xu Xing, Recent dinosaurian discoveries from western Liaoning and their implications. October, 2001. International Symposium on Chinese Paleontology. Beijing, China(特邀报告)
Xu Xing, Zhou ZH, Wang XL. et al. Functional hind-wings conform to the hip-structure in dromaeosaurids. November 2004. 64th annual meeting, Society of Vertebrate Paleontology. Denver, USA.
Xu Xing, The origin and early evolution of feathers. September 2004. International symposium about the development of limbs and epithelial appendages. Yokohama, Japan.(特邀报告)
Xu Xing, Feathered dinosaurs from China and the origin of birds. August 2004. The XIXTH international congress of Zoology. Beijing.(大会报告)
Xu Xing, Dinosaur fossils from the Lower Cretaceous Jehol Group of China. 2006. 9th international symposium on Mesozoic Terrestrial Ecosystems and Biota. Manchester, UK.(大会报告)
Xu Xing, The origin of birds: advancements and perspectives. 2006. 1st International Symposium of Integrative Zoology, Beijing.(特邀报告)
Xu Xing, Chinese dinosaurs: new discoveries and insights. The 2nd international paleontological Congress. June 2006. Beijing (key-note speech) (特邀报告)
Xu Xing, Coelurosaurian phylogeny revisited: recovering phylogenetic signals from subtile morphological variations, October 2007,67th annual meeting of Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, Austin, USA
Xu Xing, Why a robust phylogeny is important: a case study on dinosaur-bird transition. December 2007. 2nd International Symposium of Integrative Zoology. Beijing (特邀报告)
Xu Xing, Coelurosaurian phylogeny: advancement, problems, and perspectives. 2007. International Dinosaur Symposium. Korea. (特邀报告)
Xu Xing, Clark J. Homologies in the hand of theropods. October 2008. 68th annual meeting, Society of Vertebrate Paleontology. Cleveland, USA
Xu Xing, Hu DY. An exceptionally well preserved Jurassic terrestrial fauna in northeastern China. September 2009. 69th annual meeting, Society of Vertebrate Paleontology. Bristle, UK.
Xu Xing. The evolution of theropod hand. October 2009. Darwin 200 Beijing Conference. Beijing (特邀报告)
Xu Xing, Recent advances in avian origin research. September 2009. Chaoyang International Symposium on Paleontology. Chaoyang, China.(特邀报告)
Xu Xing, Recent advances in research on avian origin. June 30, 2010. The third international paleontological Congress. London (key-note speech) (特邀报告)
Xu Xing, Recent advances in research on avian origin. August 4, 2010. 12th annual meeting of Japanese Society of evolutionary studies. Tokyo, Japan (特邀报告)
Xu Xing, Sullivan C, Zhang FC, O’Connor JM. 2011. A new eumaniraptoran phylogeny and its implications for avialan origins. 71th annual meeting, Society of Vertebrate Paleontology. Las Vegas, USA
Xu Xing, Recent advances in research on Chinese dinosaurs. November 2011. World Conference on Paleontology and Stratigraphy (WCPS2011). Thailand (特邀报告)
Xu Xing, A new paravian phylogeny and its implications for understanding avialan origins. April 2011. Dinosaur track symposium. Obernkirchen, Germany.(特邀报告)
Xu Xing, Research on Chinese Cretaceous dinosaurs. August 2011. International Symposium on Geology and Paleontology, Yichun, Heilongjiang.(大会报告)
Xu Xing, Recent advances in research on avian origin. May 21, 2011,Int’l Symposium on Paleontology & Geology in Liaoning, China. Shenyang, China.(特邀报告)
Xu Xing, Origin and evolution of birds: combining paleontological and developmental evidence. July 6, 2012. The 31st IUBS general assembly and conferences on biological sciences and bioindustry. Suzhou, China.(特邀报告)
Xu Xing, Recent advances in Chinese dinosaur research. August 16 2012. 11th international symposium on Mesozoic terrestrial ecosystems and biota, Gwangju, Korea.(大会报告)
Xu Xing, Recent advances in research on avian origins. September 14, 2012. 83rd annual meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan, Osaka, Japan.(特邀报告)
Xu Xing, Origin and evolution of birds: combining paleontological and developmental evidence. Nov 15, 2012. 7th international chick meeting (Avian Model Systems), Nagoya, Japan. (特邀报告)
Xu Xing, China’s fabulous feathered dinosaurs. Feb. 2013. AAAS Annual Meeting. Boston, USA.(特邀报告)