吴剑峰,对外经济贸易大学国际商学院教授、博导、管理学系主任,美国普渡大学(Purdue University)管理学博士,北京大学光华管理学院博导,中国战略管理学者论坛理事。主要研究中国企业国际化战略、企业战略转型与技术变革。先后主持和参与国家级科研项目七项、省部级科研项目十项,主要研究成果发表在Asia Pacific Journal of Management、Chinese Management Studies、Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing、Journal of Business Research、Organization Science等国际SSCI学术期刊和《经济科学》、《南开管理评论》、《财贸经济》、《科研管理》、《管理学报》等国内CSSCI学术期刊上。已培训与咨询的企业包括IBM、英国电信、德国西门子、三星集团、葛兰素史克(GSK)、国家开发投资公司、国家电网、中粮集团、中国国电集团、中国铝业、中国有色金属总公司、中国寰球工程公司、中国水电、中海油集团、中国印钞造币总公司、全国供销合作总社、国家物资储备局、中国航空油料集团公司、光大银行昆明分行、金泰集团、大唐电力、创维集团、新兴铸管等。
1. Nadia Hanif, Jianfeng Wu, Kenneth A Grant. 2023. When degree of integration mediates level of acquired ownership and post-acquisition innovation performance: evidence from cross-border technological acquisitions", Review of International Business and Strategy, 33(3) , 440-465.
2. Yixin Ding, Jianfeng Wu. 2022. Overcoming Openness Paradox in Open Networks: A Configurational Approach. Journal of Business Research, 150, 528-537. (SSCI)
3. Nadia Hanif, Jianfeng Wu, Ahmad Babar. 2022. Linking ownership acquired in Chinese firms to post-acquisition innovation performance: Role of institutional distance. Chinese Management Studies. 16(5): 1043-1065. (SSCI)
4. Jianfeng Wu, Yixin Ding, Feng Zhang, Dongsheng Li. 2021. How can the environmental performance of heavily polluting companies be improved? A cross-level configurational approach. Journal of Cleaner Production. (SCI)
5. Nuru M. Ahmed, Jianfeng Wu. 2021. Diversifying or focused acquisition: The influence of CEOs’ temporal focus on corporate acquisition target choice and the moderating role of corporate governance. International Journal of Science and Business, 5(4): 80-104.( DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4540014)
6. Muhammad Amin, Jianfeng Wu, Md Ziaul Haque. 2020. The Impact of Corporate Political Connections and Executive’s International Experience on the Chinese Firms Initial Public Offerings in the US. Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies, 12(3): 431-450.
7. Lu Qiao, Jianfeng Wu. 2019. Pay for being responsible: The effect of target firm’s corporate social responsibility on cross-border acquisition premiums. Sustainability, 11(5), 1291. (SSCI & SCI,通讯作者)
8. Muhammad Amin, Jianfeng Wu, Rungting Tu. 2019. Signaling value of top management team: Evidence from Chinese initial public offerings on US markets. Chinese Management Studies, 13(3): 531-549. (SSCI,通讯作者)
9. Jianfeng Wu, Sali Li, Zijie Li. 2013. The contingent value of CEO political connections: A study on IPO performance in China. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 30(4): 1087-1114. (SSCI)
10. Yonggui Wang, Jianfeng Wu, Zhilin Yang. 2013. Customer participation and project performance: The mediating role of knowledge sharing in the Chinese telecommunication service industry. Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing, 20(4), 227-244. (SSCI)
11. Menita Liu Cheng, Jianfeng Wu, Jianjun Zhang. 2013. Formal and informal CPAs on business strategy and performance. Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy, 7(3): 245-273. (ABI)
12. Xiaoli Yin, Jianfeng Wu, Wenpin Tsai. 2012. When unconnected others connect: Does degree of brokerage persist after the formation of a multipartner alliance. Organization Science, 23(6): 1682-1699. (SSCI)
13. Jianfeng Wu, Menita Liu Cheng. 2011. The impact of managerial political connections and quality on government subsidies: Evidence from Chinese listed firms. Chinese Management Studies, 5(2), 207-226. (SSCI)
14. Jianfeng Wu, Dean Xu, Phillip Phan. 2011. The effects of ownership concentration and corporate debt on corporate divestitures in Chinese listed firms. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 28(1): 95-114. (SSCI)
15. Jianfeng Wu, Mark Shanley. 2009. Knowledge stock, exploration and innovation: Research on the United States electromedical industry. Journal of Business Research, 62(4): 474-483. (SSCI)
16. Jianfeng Wu, Rungting Tu. 2007. CEO stock option pay and R&D spending: A behavioral agency explanation. Journal of Business Research, 60(5): 482-492. (SSCI)
17. 吴剑峰、丁沂昕、雷震、刘佳:存续企业如何实现组织身份变革?——基于海油发展的纵向案例研究。《管理世界》(CSSCI),2022(7),212-235.
18. 吴剑峰、雷震、乔璐:速度为王:国际化扩张速度与企业绩效的元分析。《国际商务——对外经济贸易大学学报》(CSSCI),2022(1),119-138.
19. 乔璐、赵广庆、吴剑峰:距离产生美感还是隔阂?国家间距离与跨国并购绩效的元分析。《外国经济与管理》(CSSCI),2020(12),199-133。
20. 吴剑峰:企业应在疫情中学会对抗风险。《经济参考报》2020年2月27日头版时评。
21. 吴剑峰,乔璐:企业社会责任与跨国并购的关系:研究综述与展望。《经济管理》(CSSCI),2018(11),191-208。
22. 吴剑峰:马云隐退的自信何来?英国《金融时报》(FT)中文网,2018-9-14 http://www.ftchinese.com/interactive/12605
23. 吴剑峰:信息化推动企业变革的新趋势。《经济日报》,2017年2月17日第15版。
24. 吴剑峰、夏赟、孙泽宇:供应商集中度的路径依赖与战略应对:基于创业板上市企业的分析。《技术经济》,2016(10):43-49。
25. 吴剑峰、乔璐、杨震宁:新兴市场企业的国际化水平、研发管理与技术创新绩效的关系研究。《国际商务——对外经济贸易大学学报》(CSSCI),2016(4):140-151。
26. 杨震宁、吴剑峰、乔璐:企业研发伙伴的多样性、政治嵌入与技术创新绩效的关系研究。《经济管理》(CSSCI),2016,38(1):51-61。
27. 吴剑峰、杨震宁、邱永辉:国际研发合作的地域广度、资源禀赋与技术创新绩效的关系研究。《管理学报》(CSSCI),2015,12(10):1487-1495。
28. 吴剑峰、杨震宁:政府补贴、两权分离与企业技术创新。《科研管理》(CSSCI),2014,35(12):54-61。
29. 吴剑峰、许伟宏、许焕捷:金融风暴下企业高管危机意识的决定因素探讨——基于资源依赖与行为理论的实证分析。《东北大学学报(社会科学版)》(CSSCI),2012,14(1),17-22。
30. 吴剑峰、宗芳宇:实物期权、动态能力与海外敌意并购:基于中钢并购澳大利亚中西部矿业的分析。《管理学报》(CSSCI),2010(11),1652-1659。
31. 吴剑峰,李自杰,武亚军:竞争密度、合法化与外资企业生存——基于中关村高新科技园区的研究。《经济科学》(CSSCI),2009(5),107-116。
32. 吴剑峰:转型经济中的战略剥离分析:以中国上市企业为例。《南开管理评论》(CSSCI),2009(2),4-10。
33. 吴剑峰,吕振艳:资源依赖、网络中心度与多方联盟构建:基于产业电子商务平台的实证研究。《管理学报》(CSSCI),2007(4),37-41。
34. 武亚军,吴剑峰:转型经济中的战略规划与企业绩效:基于中国制造企业的实证分析。《南开管理评论》(CSSCI),2006(2),58-63。